

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses powerful magnetic fields and radiofrequency to produce high-resolution, detailed images of the organs, tissues, and skeletal system. These scans are non-invasive and do not use ionising radiation. 

Patients are required to lie on a bed in a tunnel, during which they need to lie still to avoid motion artifact. Movement will compromise the scan quality. Patients will be offered earplugs to drown out the machine’s loud tapping, thumping sounds. Although MRIs are painless, patients with injuries or painful clinical conditions may experience some discomfort. Communication with the radiographer is possible via an intercom.

Some scans may require an injection of contrast media, gadolinium or primovist. The radiologist or radiographer will insert an intravenous catheter (IV line) into a vein in the patient’s hand or arm. 

We offer the following imaging services:

  • Abdomen and pelvis
  • Angiograms
  • Brain
  • Breasts
  • Cardiac
  • Chest
  • Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP)
  • Enteroclysis
  • Female reproductive system
  • Liver
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Neck
  • Pelvis
  • Prostate
  • Rectum
  • Spine
  • Whole body

Please note:

  • Patients are responsible for obtaining authorisation for radiology procedures. Please contact us for assistance.
  • Emergency cases will be prioritised and may cause some time delays.
  • Women must inform their referring clinician and the radiographer on duty if there is any possibility that they may be pregnant.
  • Patients must bring all previous X-ray images and reports from other institutions on the day of their scan.
  • Before entering the MRI scanner, patients must notify the radiographer if they have any of the following devices: cardiac pacemakers, neuro-stimulators, cochlear implants, or aneurysm clips. Only MRI conditional devices can safely enter the scanner. 
  • Prior special arrangements need to be made for patients requiring sedation or general anaesthetic. These patients are not allowed to drive themselves and must arrange transport. 
  • The MRI room is cold (17 to 21˚C) to ensure an appropriate working environment for the MRI machine’s components.
  • No jewellery and other metallic items are allowed on the body or clothes, including zippers and bras with underwires. 
  • Depending on the type of MRI study, patients may be asked to change into a hospital gown.
  • At the time of the booking our staff will give patients clear instructions regarding any preparations prior to the scan.
    • Patients must inform the radiographer if they have any allergies.
    • Abdomen and pelvis studies require four to six hours fasting. 
    • Brain and orbit MRI patients must not wear any eye makeup or mascara. 
    • Breast MRIs should ideally be performed between day five and 15 of the menstrual cycle. 
    • Enteroclysis studies require four to six hours fasting and patients will have to drink an oral contrast agent on the day of the scan. A nasal tube may sometimes be inserted to administer the fluid.
    • Prostate, rectum, and female reproductive system studies may require a suppository bowel prep. 

Frequently asked questions

On average, 30 to 60 minutes, but it depends on the area of study and complexity of the scan.

Most patients feel a cold sensation as the contrast is injected. 

To scan your head, most of your upper body will have to be in the scanner, because the area of the scanner that creates the images is located in the centre of the magnet and is called the isocentre. The same applies when imaging the spine and upper extremities.